Monday 4 June 2007



julie said...

great textural shots!!

Unknown said...


I tagged to you and then you must write 7 things you like it or describe to you and after tagged 7 more persons

best wishes

Anne-Laure said...


I've been enjoying looking through your blog and your inspiration blocks. A lot of the elements you work with are ideas that I find really interesting, have been playing with or would like to (in particular the connection between the drawn line and sewn lines).

I also wanted to ask you a more general question about blogs - I haven't had mine for too long, and I was wondering if people who put links to other artist sites/blogs ask permission to do it, is it a mutual thing, is it usually people that they know personally?(I've heard that being the case for some at least). I was just wondering how you went about it, and also if I could put a link to you on my blog.

thanks again for your interest in my work, I'm glad I found your work as well.