Cusp from L'Ombre de mon Ombre has nominated this blog for an award. It is lovely to be honoured in this way for doing something that I really enjoy. Thankyou very much Cusp :)
The Awards come via the Writers Review and according to the rules I must now nominate five other people for an award so here goes:
Kirsty Hall gets the inspirational blogger award for her blog up all night again ...
Marion Michell gets the courageous blogger award for My art grows around me
Cynthia at art for housewives gets the inspirational blogger award
Natasha Fialakov gets the courageous blogger award for being natasha fialakov
Shula gets the courageous blogger award for Poppalina
All of these lovely bloggers are creative, inspirational and thoughtful too. And a BIG THANKYOU to all those other blogs and flickrs that have given me so much inspiration over the last year too :)
How lovely.
Well done, Mandy. Well deserved too...
Wow, thanks so much for the award Mandy, I'm touched and honoured. I'll have to go off and think about who I want to give them to next.
And congrats on yours too, it's very much deserved.
Hi. So glad you've declared your award. I was getting worried that you'd forgotten or I hadn't made the link clear. Well done (and thanks for the virtual hugs)
thanks so much, mandy, what a lovely surprise. and congratulations to you too!
Well done Mandy on your award I have benn enjoying looking at your old fanmily photos of late and I always enjoy those mosaics you do.
Good to have ones efforts recognised youre a star !!
best wishes
you are so sweet! i will be sure to pass some along. i think that these kinds of pats on the back are such a great thing among us artsy types. okay, among everyone, it means a lot when someone who makes gorgeous things thinks that you are doing good work. mwah!
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