Helene Uffren is one of the students exhibiting at the Royal College of Art this week, she makes very beautiful work that suggests a world of alchemy and illusion. The pieces were all about looking and seeing.
"Visual experiences mediated by different optical devices are at the center of my research. I focus on surface depth, distortion and illusion, to create extra dimensions through cropped vision. I want the viewer to become part of the work, pulled in and transported by the act of viewing.
The brain sees through the eyes, editing and creating individual realities. My optical devices act as portals to parallel realities and question the way we see. The essential ideas behind my current work revolve around the hyper-visual, hyper-real and over exposed world we live in …"
"What we usually call reality is a montage" Nicolas Bourriaud
The brain sees through the eyes, editing and creating individual realities. My optical devices act as portals to parallel realities and question the way we see. The essential ideas behind my current work revolve around the hyper-visual, hyper-real and over exposed world we live in …"
"What we usually call reality is a montage" Nicolas Bourriaud
Hi Mandy --its been a while since I have visited Flickr or your blog. Lovely to visit your blog aand see ehwta you have been getting up to. Did you enjoy the Anette Messenger exhib? I gather no photos were allowed!!?? I would have loved to vist. I have an excellent book on Annette's work by Catherine Grenier Annette Messager - I think she comments beautifully on A.M.'s work.
Enjoys your drawings most of all your work.
best wishes
Hello Aine - it is lovely to hear from you. The Annette Messager was wonderful - I am quite familiar with her work but it has changed quite a lot becoming more installation based.
Thankyou - I do love drawing most of all.
Best wishes
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